Android soft keyboard pops up and hides automatically -

i have strange issue soft keyboard keeps popping , hiding out in application.

it happens on tablets, on phone works no problem, when running app in tablet problem happens. tried in real devices, same problem occurs.

i searched lot other posts have same problem, couldn't find else have same problem.

here video of problem:

here manifest code fragment:

<activity         android:name="com.mapsaurus.panesexample.createassignment"         android:configchanges="orientation|screensize"         android:label="@string/title_activity_create_assignment" > </activity> 

i tried , without android:configchanges="orientation|screensize" , , without android:windowsoftinputmode="statevisible" without luck.

i'm using android-paneslibrary, edittext field inside sherlockfragment not activity, when in normal activity, works fine.

i hope have solution this.


after wrote question, found solution in own question. happens because fragment not activity, added android:windowsoftinputmode="adjustpan" activity fragment attached to, , worked. think problem because keyboard talks activities not fragments, don't know if true, that's explanation it. hope benefit in future.


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