How to get a value out of a hash in Ruby? -

i have following hash (@myhash) in ruby:

[   {     "id"        => "123456789",     "name"      =>"random name",      "list_type" =>"random type of list"   } ]  

how can take value of id out of hash? (basically result should be: 123456789)

  • when try doing @myhash[:id] following error "can't convert symbol integer"
  • when try doing @myhash['id'] following error "can't convert string integer"

i've tried adding .to_i, .to_s , etc. nothing helps.

what have there not hash. it's array of hashes (well, array of 1 hash, precise).

first have address proper element in array (first one), address value key.

@myhash[0]['id'] # => '123456789' # or @myhash.first['id'] # => '123456789'  

i following error "can't convert symbol integer"

you think you're working hash, in reality, it's array. arrays don't accept string or symbols keys. want integers index. hence error.


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