android - AnimationEnd is triggered on all View at once -

i have application 3 image buttons (based on custom image button) image button has animation end listened, once first image button completes animation, instances of custom images buttons trigger animationend method.

here's code:

import java.util.concurrent.callable;  import android.content.context; import android.util.attributeset; import android.widget.imagebutton;  class myimagebutton extends imagebutton{      protected callable<void> animend = null;     public void setonanimationendlistener(callable<void> animend1) {         this.animend = animend1;     }       public myimagebutton(context context) {         super(context);         // todo auto-generated constructor stub     }      public myimagebutton(context context, attributeset attrs) {         super(context, attrs);         // todo auto-generated constructor stub     }      public myimagebutton(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyle) {         super(context, attrs, defstyle);         // todo auto-generated constructor stub     }      @override     protected void onanimationend() {         super.onanimationend();         //functionality here         if(this.animend != null){             try{       ;             }             catch(exception e){              }         }     }  } 

notice 3 image buttons animate offset 2 seconds (2000 msec) away each other.

i set callback image button follows:

object1.setonanimationendlistener(new callable<void>() {              @override             public void call() throws exception {                  object1.setanimation(null);                 object1.setlayoutparams(params);                  // todo auto-generated method stub                 return null;             }         });  // object2, object3 of them instances of myimagebutton 


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