c++ - Undefined reference to the function -

it seems can't compile project because of linking error, can't find it. have parser class methods scanner class used. , complier marks every entry of function scanner's public section (get_token(), get_line(), scanner(const char ), ~scanner()) in parser.h or parser.cpp linking error ("undefined reference scanner::"). please, me problem, because have no idea might've caused it. here code. parser.h:

#ifndef parser_h_included #define parser_h_included  #include "scanner.h" #include <iostream>  class parser {     scanner s;     token cur_token;      void next_token();      void parse_p_expr();     void parse_term();     void parse_statements();     void parse_statement_id();     void parse_children();     void parse_children_term();  public:      parser(const char *); };  #endif // parser_h_included 


#ifndef scanner_h_included #define scanner_h_included  #include <fstream> #include <string> #include "token.h"  class scanner {     enum type_of_state     {         h,         id,         string,         operation     };     type_of_state state;     static const char *reserved_words[];     static const char *operations[];     std::string buf;     size_t line;     int c;     file *f;      void add();     void clear();     void get();     int search(std::string, const char **);     void unget();  public:      token get_token();     size_t get_line();     scanner(const char *);     ~scanner(); };  #endif // scanner_h_included 

and scanner.cpp:

#include "scanner.h"  const char *scanner::reserved_words[] = {     "loop",     "else",     "when",     "print",     "println",     "die",     0 };  const char *scanner::operations[] = {     "::",     "<-",     "||",     0 };  void scanner::add() {     buf += c; }  void scanner::clear() {     buf = ""; }  void scanner::get() {     c = fgetc(f); }  int scanner::search(std::string buf, const char **list) {     int = 0;     while (list[i]) {         if (buf == list[i])             return + 1;         ++i;     }     return 0; }  void scanner::unget() {     ungetc(c, f); }  size_t scanner::get_line() {     return line; }  scanner::scanner(const char *text) {     f = fopen(text, "r");     if (f == 0)         throw scanner_exception(wrong_filename);     line = 1;     state = h;     clear();     get(); }  scanner::~scanner() {     fclose(f); }  token scanner::get_token() {     state = h;     int i;     {         switch(state) {             case h:                 if (c == '\n') {                     get();                     ++line;                 } else if (c == ' ' || c == '\r' || c == '\t') {                     get();                 } else if (isalpha(c)) {                     clear();                     add();                     get();                     state = id;                 } else if (c == '"') {                     clear();                     get();                     state = string;                 } else if (c == ':' || c == '<' || c == '|') {                     clear();                     add();                     get();                     state = operation;                 } else if (c == '(') {                     get();                     return token(token::lbracket);                 } else if (c == ')') {                     get();                     return token(token::rbracket);                 } else if (c == ';') {                     get();                     return token(token::semicolon);                 } else if (c == '@') {                     return token(token::end);                 } else                     throw scanner_exception(c, line, "unexpected symbol");                 break;             case id:                 if (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || c == '_') {                     add();                     get();                 } else if (i = search(buf, reserved_words)) {                     return token((token::type_of_token) i, buf);                 } else                     return token(token::id, buf);                 break;             case string:                 if (c == '\n' || c == '@') {                     throw scanner_exception(c, line, "unexpected end of string");                 }                 if (c != '"') {                     add();                     get();                 } else {                     get();                     return token(token::string, buf);                 }                 break;             case operation:                 add();                 if (i = search(buf, operations)) {                     get();                     return token((token::type_of_token) (i + token::colon));                 } else if (buf[0] == ':') {                     unget();                     return token(token::colon);                 } else                     throw scanner_exception(c, line, "unexpected symbol");                 break;         }     }     while (true); } 


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