html - Javascript input form -

i have datepicker function:

!!!5 html   head     link(type='text/css', href='',  rel='stylesheet') script(src='', type='text/javascript') script(src='', type='text/javascript') script   $(function() {     $.datepicker.setdefaults(       $.extend($.datepicker.regional[""])     );     $("#datepicker").datepicker();   }); 

i want send result of chosen date input form.


i input field , can choose dates , forth, can't seem receive/transfer other .js file.

how can package result form (with value)? other values this:

form(action="/registeractivity", method="post")   select(name = "item[activity]")     each point in points       option(value=point.activity) #{point.activity}    select(name ="item[participant]")     option(value='testvalue') option    input#datepicker(type='text', name="item[date]")   input(type="submit", value="registrer participant") 

and received this:

registeractivity: function(req,res) {   var item = req.body.item;   newactivity = new activity();   newactivity.activityname = item.activity;   newactivity.acitivtyparticipant = item.participant;   newactivity.acitivtydate =; savedactivity(err){     if(err) {       throw err;     }   });   res.redirect('/'); 

any appreciated!

you're not showing entire code possible you're missing name attribute of it. that's req.body looks for.

so in jade be

input#datepicker(type='text', name='yourname') 


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