Rails devise sending emails to wrong email address -

i installed devise in rails app , user registration works perfect. i've set such users can confirm accounts sending email. works fine when user signs first time (they confirmation message confirmation link).

however, when user changes his/her email address exampleuser@gmail.com exampleuser@hotmail.com, mail gets delivered exampleuser@gmail.com , confirmation link has no confirmation token looks like


instead of normal


when resave new email exampleuser@hotmail.com gets delivered address confirmation token invalid not match 1 in db.

i don't know went wrong.


<p>welcome <%= @resource.unconfirmed_email? ? @resource.unconfirmed_email : @resource.email %>!</p>  <p>you can confirm account email through link below:</p>  <p><%= link_to 'confirm account', confirmation_url(@resource, :confirmation_token => @resource.confirmation_token) %></p> 

i have config.reconfirmable = true in devise initializer

am using sideqik delayed jobs. emails processed sideqik

any help? thanks

i realise sometime since posted, have run same issue , resolved it.

in case had upgraded devise v2.0.4 v2.2.6 - appears newest version supports rails 3.

i'd skimmed change log mentions change in v2.2.0:

all mailer methods expect second argument delivery options. 

unfortunately doesn't second argument used for; turns out literally you'd expect... options hash passed mailers mail method.

i'm guessing if you're me, previous devise::mailer had line following:

  def confirmation_instructions(record, opts)     mail :to => record.email, :template_name => 'confirmation_instructions'   end 

the problem email previous confirmed email address, not new unconfirmed one. hence want call mail options hash passed, contain unconfirmed_email in :to key, e.g.

  {:to => "unconfirmed@email.com"} 

so change mail calls more like:

  def confirmation_instructions(record, opts)      mail opts.merge(:template_name => 'confirmation_instructions')   end 


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