memory management - C Function argument value changing by itself -

i have simple function that, after has returned, values of array a[] (passed argument) changed. problem not written on in function, read - supposedly, @ least -. hope can me that:

double *bhaskara(double a[]){     double = a[2], b = a[1], c = a[0];     double raizes[2];     double delta = b*b - 4*a*c;     if(delta<=0){//ignora delta para pegar soh parte inteira das raizes         raizes[0] = -b/(2*a);         raizes[1] = raizes[0];     }else{         raizes[0] = (-b+sqrt(delta))/(2*a);         raizes[1] = (-b-sqrt(delta))/(2*a);     }     return raizes; } 

you're returning pointer local variable has gone out of scope. it's undefined behaviour. can, , will, happen.


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