python - How can urllib2 be used to open a URL as a File object? -

the following methods return different objects:

urllib2.urlopen("") >> <addinfourl @ 148620236 fp = <socket._fileobject object @ 0x8db0b6c>> 


open("/home/me/image.png") >> <open file '/var/www/service/provider/web/test.png', mode 'r' @ 0x8da3d88> 

is possible urlopen return same type of object open returns? not want returned stream. guess file object

the 2 same file object. if see official docs, "this function returns file-like object 2 additional methods:"...

so knowing that, can use similar methods you'd use on file object, such as:

myfile = urllib2.urlopen("") 

for thing images (it looks that's you're talking about), print ugly data-representation of file. can write file on disk using like

with open("mysavedpng.png",'w') w:     w.write( # note if have done need seek start of file 

if want manage pngs in python, use png module


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