Where is the documentation for Play sbt-plugin (Build.scala)? -

i using play version 2.1.1, , trying modify build.scala.

by default, imports package called play.project._

i have been trying find out api of package customize our build.scala file.

the thing have link: http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.1.1/build

i tried find here: http://www.playframework.com/documentation/api/2.1.1/scala/index.html#package

could point me location of api?

the build.scala uses playproject described in play sbt documentation. playproject sbt.project, should have closer @ corresponding sbt api. playproject defined here (line 147):

lazy val playproject = playruntimeproject("play", "play")   .settings(     librarydependencies := runtime,     sourcegenerators in compile <+= sourcemanaged in compile map playversion,     mappings in(compile, packagesrc) <++= scalatemplatesourcemappings,     parallelexecution in test := false,     sourcegenerators in compile <+= (dependencyclasspath in templatescompilerproject in runtime, packagebin in templatescompilerproject in compile, scalasource in compile, sourcemanaged in compile, streams) map scalatemplates   ).dependson(sbtlinkproject, playexceptionsproject, templatesproject, iterateesproject, jsonproject) 

the playruntimeproject defined in same file.


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