forms - Rails Using Edit action in a Show View -

i'm trying update object in it's show view. i've been following railscasts habtm checkboxes.

getting following error:

no route matches [put] "/accounts/4/edit"

here form:

<%= form_for @account, :url => { :action => "edit"} |form| %>     <%= hidden_field_tag "account[checklist_ids][]", nil%>     <% checklist.all.each |checklist| %>         <%= check_box_tag "account[checklist_ids][]",, @account.checklist_ids.include?( %>         <%= checklist.task %><br/>     <% end %><br/> <%= form.submit "update checklist", class: 'btn' %> <% end %> 


class accountscontroller < applicationcontroller   before_filter :authenticate_user!   respond_to :html, :json    def show     @account = account.find(params[:id])     @notes = @account.notes.all     @contacts = @account.contacts.all   end     def edit     @account = account.find(params[:id])   end    def update     @account = account.find(params[:id])     @account.update_attributes(params[:account])     respond_with @account   end end 


class account < activerecord::base   attr_accessible :address, :city, :name, :phone, :state, :website, :zip, :contactname   attr_accessible :conferences_attributes, :checklists_attributes   has_many :notes, :dependent => :destroy    has_many :accountchecklists   has_many :checklists, :through => :accountchecklists, :dependent => :destroy    has_many :contacts, :dependent => :destroy   has_and_belongs_to_many :conferences   accepts_nested_attributes_for :conferences   accepts_nested_attributes_for :checklists end 

<%= form_for @account, :url => { :action => "edit"} |form| %>

change to

<%= form_for(@account) |form| %>


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