ios - Archiving NSArray that contains dictionaries -

i trying save nsmutablearray in coredata. array contains objects nsdictionary

nsdictionary has following structure

valuedict =  {     floorid = f0001;     endcoordinates = "nspoint: {541, 413}";     linepath = "<uibezierpath: 0x1d0903c0>";     pointsonline =     (     );     startcoordinates = "nspoint: {418, 504}"; }, 

to write core data use following code: parray type binarydata

points.parray = [nskeyedarchiver archiveddatawithrootobject:self.locationsarray]; 

and retrieve value use

locationsarray = [nskeyedunarchiver unarchiveobjectwithdata:points.parray]; 

when try retrieve following error :

terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinvalidargumentexception', reason: '*** -[nsdictionary initwithobjects:forkeys:]: count of objects (0) differs count of keys (5)' 

i have checked nsarray , nsdictionary adopts nscoding protocol. doing wrong here ?

the best way solve create either small test app, or test method called when app launches. create typical dictionary using same keys , types, try archive it, log data size, try unarchive data. assuming fails comment out 1 or more keys til what's left works. know problem key , can better determine wrong.


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