python - Pymongo object has no attribute 'remove' -

i have modified list.html template flask-mongokit exmaple.

added "check boxes" name "ck" , delete link.

    {% extends "base.html" %}         {% block body %}         <h2>all items</h2>         <ul>             <form id="my_form" action="delete" method=get>             {% task in tasks %}             <li><input type="checkbox" name="ck" value="{{ task._id }}"><a href="{{ url_for('show_task', task_id=task._id) }}" >{{ task.title }}</a> - created: {{ task.creation.strftime('%y-%m-%d %h:%m') }}</li>             {% endfor %}         </ul>             <a href="{{ url_for('new_task') }}">add new task</a> <br>             <a href="javascript:{}" onclick="document.getelementbyid('my_form').submit(); return false;">delete selected task</a>             </form>         {% endblock %}  --------------------------------  datetime import datetime  flask import flask, request, render_template, redirect, url_for flask.ext.mongokit import mongokit, document import bson  app = flask(__name__)   class task(document):     __collection__ = 'tasks'     structure = {         'title': unicode,         'text': unicode,         'creation': datetime,     }     required_fields = ['title', 'creation']     default_values = {'creation': datetime.utcnow()}     use_dot_notation = true  db = mongokit(app) db.register([task])  @app.route('/delete', methods=["get", "post"]) def task_delete():              if request.method == 'get':           order = request.args.getlist('ck')                     id in order:                       db.task.remove({'_id':bson.objectid(oid=str(id))})         return redirect(url_for('show_all')) 

the following error message:

file "c:\users\krisk\my documents\aptana studio 3 workspace\flask-mongokit\example\", line 58, in task_delete db.task.remove({'_id':bson.objectid(oid=str(id))}) file "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\mongokit\", line 379, in __getattr__ return dict.__getattribute__(self, key) **attributeerror: 'callabletask' object has no attribute 'remove'** 

i not sure why collections.remove() method not working.

ok, figured out. used mongokit delete method instead of pymongo remove method collections class. def task_delete(): if request.method == 'get': selected = request.args.getlist('ck') id in selected: tasks = db.task.find({'_id':bson.objectid(oid=str(id))}) task in tasks: task.delete() return redirect(url_for('show_all'))


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