PHP retrieving array values using dash arrow "->" -

i've been using php quite while now, never been advanced programmer. feel dumb question never understood why array values can retrieved using different methods:



rather normal:


the standard $array['value'] works, 1 using -> method doesn't @ times. why that?

here's example. using zend framework 2 , can grab session value using -> method:


however, can't if new, normal array:

$array = array('some_value' => 'myvalue'); $array['some_value']; // works!! $array->some_value;  // not work :( 

in zend framework 1 arrays work fine way, , in zf2 more , more , run issues need change way value. make sense? sure appreciate help. thanks, greg

as stated before in other answers, using -> means accessing object, not array.

however, possible object treated array. when implementing arrayaccess interface. coder can such eg. calling $object->field equivalent $object['field'], he/she must not.

moreover, possible treat array object (refer to manual), in case not array object , same way above.


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