jquery - Knockout bindings not updating in IE 8 -

i have page displays list of items in db , text box add new new item. when page first rendered list displayed in ie, when add new item list not updated in ie 8. works correctly in chrome. here code:

self.listofdepartments.getlistofalldepartments = function () {     $.getjson('/department/listalldepartments', function (data) {         var mapped = ko.mapping.fromjs(data);         self.listofdepartments(mapped);     }); };  self.adddepartmentmodel.adddepartment = function () {     self.errors = ko.validation.group(this, { deep: true, observable: false });     if (self.adddepartmentmodel.errors().length == 0) {         $.ajax({             url: "/department/add/",             type: 'post',             data: ko.tojson(self.adddepartmentmodel),             contenttype: 'application/json',             success: function (result) {                 $('#success').html('department added successfully.');                 $("#success").dialog({                     dialogclass: 'noclose',                     autoopen: true,                     show: "blind",                     hide: "explode",                     modal: true,                     open: function(event, ui) {                         settimeout(function() {                             $('#success').dialog('close');                         }, 3000);                     }                 });                 department.departmentname(null);                 department.departmentname.ismodified(false);                 self.listofdepartments.getlistofalldepartments();              }         });     } else {         self.adddepartmentmodel.errors.showallmessages();         return;     } }; 


    <div data-bind="foreach: listofdepartments()">         <div data-bind="text: departmentname" class="margin textstyle"></div>     </div> 

when getlistofalldepartments called if add successful list of page not update in ie. there special needs done ie?

found solution. ie caching ajax requests turn off caching:

$.ajaxsetup({     cache: false }); 
