mysql - I am not getting the out put file for the below sql batch file -

@echo off  set sql_exe="c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.1\bin\mysql.exe" set sql_options=-user root -password amma set sql_db="c:\documents , settings\all users\application data\mysql\mysql server 5.1\data\aview" set count=1  /f "delims=" %%a in (input.sql) (   echo %%a > temp.sql   call :processtemp_sql ) goto :eof  :processtemp_sql %sql_exe% %sql_options% -i temp.sql -o output%count%.txt %sql_db% set /a count=%count%+1 goto :eof  :eof 

input.sql has sql query

select * status;

i've no idea mysql syntax - , on-line manual isn't help.... since you've gone trouble of establishing sql_db - shouldn't using somewhere?
