python - Django 1.5 url redirect with regex? -

i'm trying this:

(r'^$', redirectview.as_view(url='^(?p<username>\w+)/$')), 

but doesn't seem parse regex part actual username...

i've done research can find examples redirect exact urls or other regex examples work in django 1.1

anyone have idea how in django 1.5+?

subclass redirectview, , override get_redirect_view method.

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse  class userredirectview(redirectview):      permanent = false      def get_redirect_url(self, pk):         # better use reverse here         return '/myapp/%s/' % self.request.user.username 

you include userredirectview in module follows:

url(r'^$', userredirectview.as_view(), name='myapp_index'), 

it better reverse url instead of hardcoding /myapp/ in url above. example, if redirecting url pattern following

url(r'^(?p<username>\w+)/$', 'myapp.view_user', name='myapp_view_user'), 

then change get_redirect_url view to:

    def get_redirect_url(self, pk):         return reverse('myapp_view_user', args=(self.request.user.username,)) 


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