javascript - [PHP]Why did the filled appended row didn't display and show? -

this question has answer here:

this page got button add append row.once appended row filled,when submit,it connect/link page ,then filled information display @ page.but problem how display filled information of appended row on 2nd page had been done in 1st page using php.(sorry poor english , hope understand).

 <table width="600px" id="project">             <tr>                 <td>1</td>                 <td><textarea name="pro_1" cols="100" rows="2"></textarea></td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <td>2</td>                 <td><textarea name="pro_2" cols="100" rows="2"></textarea></td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <td>3</td>                 <td><textarea name="pro_3" cols="100" rows="2"></textarea></td>             </tr>          </table>          <input id="addbtn" type="button" name="addbtn" value="add"> 

jquery script(for append row):

$(document).ready(function() { $("#addbtn").click(function(){     var num=parseint($("#project tr:last").text());         num+=1;             $("#project").append("<tr><td>"+num+"</td><td><textarea cols='100' rows='2'></textarea></td></tr>");                 }); 

php source code(for 2nd page):

   <table width="600px" id="pub">             <tr>                 <td>1</td>                 <td><?php echo $_post["pro_1"]; ?></td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <td>2</td>                 <td><?php echo $_post["pro_2"]; ?></td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <td>3</td>                 <td><?php echo $_post["pro_3"]; ?></td>             </tr>   </table>   <table width="600px" id="project">  <?php    //to show filled appended row fail     $index = 1;     while(isset($_post["pro_".$index])) {   ?>    <tr>        <td><?php echo $index; ?></td>        <td><?php echo $_post["pro_".$index]; ?></td>    </tr>   <?php        $index++;    } ?> </table> 

the output below:

enter image description here

you forgot add name attribute append command

name='pro_'+num; $("#project").append("<tr><td>"+num+"</td><td><textarea name="+name+" cols='100' rows='2'></textarea></td></tr>"); 
