ios - how to get NULL from sqlite in xcode -
i want 1 application has sqlite db. in sqlite db exist 5 records record has 2 column. (name,id,key) 1 of id null , want this. (id integer variable) this code when run application crashed. do { sqlite3 *database2; if(sqlite3_open([[self datafilepath] utf8string], &database2) == sqlite_ok) { nsstring *sqlstatement_userinfo2 =[nsstring stringwithformat:@"select * table1 name = %@ , id = %@",p,p2]; sqlite3_stmt *compiledstatement2; if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database2, [sqlstatement_userinfo2 utf8string], -1, &compiledstatement2, null) == sqlite_ok) { // loop through results , add them feeds array while(sqlite3_step(compiledstatement2) == sqlite_row) { nsmutabledictionary *_datadictionary=[[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init]; // init data dictionary ...