javascript - creating a circle of bars with HTML5 canvas, but the space between bars is uneven -
i'm trying create circular progressbar(though wouldn't bar anymore, it?). around cricle there thin bars perpendicular circle. problem is, code doesn't generate there bars in spacing. here's code , image of result:
function mh5pb(canvasid, //the id of canvas draw pb on value, //a float value, representing progress(ex: 0.3444) background, //the background color of pb(ex: "#ffffff") circlebackground, //the background color of bars in circles integercolor, //the color of outer circle(or int circle) floatcolor //the color of inner circle(or float circle) ) { var canvas = document.getelementbyid(canvasid); var context = canvas.getcontext("2d"); var canvaswidth = canvas.width; var canvasheight = canvas.height; var radius = math.min(canvaswidth, canvasheight) / 2; var numberofbars = 72; var barthickness = 2; //margin borders, , space between 2 circles var margin = parseint(radius / 12.5) >= 2 ? parseint(radius / 12.5) : 2; //the thickness of int circle , float circle var circlethickness = parseint((radius / 5) * 2); //the outer radius of int circle var intouterradius = radius - margin; //the inner radius of int circle var intinnerradius = radius - margin - circlethickness; //the outer radius of float circle var floatouterradius = intouterradius - margin - circlethickness; //the inner radius of float circle var floatinnerradius = floatouterradius - circlethickness; //draw bar, each degreestep degrees var intcircledegreestep = 5; // ((2 * math.pi * intouterradius) / (barthickness + 10)) // // area total number of required bars // // fill intcircle.1px space between each bar// var floatcircledegreestep = 360 / ((2 * math.pi * floatouterradius) / (barthickness + 10)); context.linewidth = barthickness; context.strokestyle = circlebackground; //draw bg of outer circle for(i = 90; < 450; i+=intcircledegreestep) { //since want start top, , move cw, have map degree //in loop cxouter = math.floor(intouterradius * math.cos(i) + radius); cyouter = math.floor(intouterradius * math.sin(i) + radius); cxinner = math.floor(intinnerradius * math.cos(i) + radius); cyinner = math.floor(intinnerradius * math.sin(i) + radius); context.moveto(cxouter, cyouter); context.lineto(cxinner, cyinner); context.stroke(); } }
edit: oh, , lines aren't anti-aliased. know why? should explain progressbar consists of 2 parts. outer circle (visible in provided image) , inner circle. outer circle amount of integer part of percentage (i.e. 45 in 45.98%) , inner circle amount of not integer part of percentage (i.e. 98 in 45.98%). hence know intcircle , floatcircle :)
it appears passing degrees math.sin , math.cos. these functions expect radians. example,
// degrees radians. math.sin(i * (math.pi / 180));
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