symfony - Symfony2, autoload service in service -

question simple but... have main service:

class managerone {} 

and have several services want use in main service:

class serviceone{} class servicetwo{} class servicethree{} class servicefour{} ... 

each named (in services.yml) service.two service.three service.four ... 

locations of services different, not in 1 folder (but don't think it's huge trouble custom autoloader).

regarding manual can inject them via __construct() in main service (managerone) if got 20 such services need injected? or use need. describe them in services simple inject? o.o think it's not idea so.... can inject container , that's it. but! everywhere people saying inject container worst solution.

what want. need method managerone service load service need '' or 'path' checker 'service exist'.

you use service tagging , tag each service want use in managerone class. , either use constructor dependency injection or method injection.


first of need compiler pass collect tagged services:

namespace ...\dependencyinjection\compiler;  use symfony\component\dependencyinjection\compiler\compilerpassinterface; use symfony\component\dependencyinjection\reference; use symfony\component\dependencyinjection\containerbuilder;  class examplepass implements compilerpassinterface {      public function process(containerbuilder $container)     {         if (!$container->hasdefinition("")) {             return;         }         $services = array();         foreach ($container->findtaggedserviceids('managed_service') $serviceid => $tag) {             $alias = isset($tag[0]['alias'])                 ? $tag[0]['alias']                 : $serviceid;              // flip, because want tag aliases (= type identifiers) keys             $services[$alias] = new reference($serviceid);         }         $container->getdefinition('')->replaceargument(0, $services);     } } 

then need add compiler pass bundle class:

namespace example\examplebundle;  use symfony\component\httpkernel\bundle\bundle; use symfony\component\dependencyinjection\containerbuilder; use ...\dependencyinjection\compiler\examplepass;  class examplebundle extends bundle {     public function build(containerbuilder $container)     {         parent::build($container);         $container->addcompilerpass(new examplepass());     } } 

now can use services:

# services.yml     class: managerclass     arguments:         - [] # replaced our compiler pass     class: serviceone     tags:         - { name: managed_service, alias: service_one }  services.two:     class: servicetwo     tags:         - { name: managed_service, alias: service_two } 

but caution if manager, service classes automatically created. if performance drawback pass service ids (not reference) management class. add @service_container second argument , create service needed.


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