maven - Error trying to adding arbitrary classpath in -

i have code add classpath:

    <plugin>         <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid>         <artifactid>maven-jar-plugin</artifactid>         <version>2.4</version>         <configuration>         <archive>             <manifest>                 <adddefaultimplementationentries>true</adddefaultimplementationentries>                 <addclasspath>true</addclasspath>                 <mainclass>apuestaya</mainclass>                                 </manifest>             <manifestentries>                 <class-path>../lib/jcalendar.jar ../lib/eclipselink.jar ../lib/libforms-1.3.0.jar ../lib/imagenes.jar ../lib/driverpersistencia.jar ../lib/javax.persistence_2.0.3.v201010191057.jar</class-path>             </manifestentries>         </archive>         </configuration>     </plugin> 

but got in

manifest-version: 1.0 implementation-title: apuestaya implementation-version: 0.9.0-snapshot implementation-vendor-id: um.tds.victormruiz built-by: celor build-jdk: 1.7.0_09 class-path: ../lib/jcalendar.jar ../lib/eclipselink.jar ../lib/libform s-1.3.0.jar ../lib/imagenes.jar ../lib/driverpersistencia.jar ../lib/ javax.persistence_2.0.3.v201010191057.jar created-by: apache maven 3.0.4 main-class: apuestaya archiver-version: plexus archiver 

as can see, maven put random blank spaces in jar's routes. example: ../lib/libform s-1.3.0.jar ... so, when lunch mi jar error because can't find jars. ideas?

a workaround

use version 2.3.2 of maven-jar-plugin , change configuration of class-path.

<class-path><![cdata[../lib/jcalendar.jar  ../lib/eclipselink.jar  ../lib/libforms-1.3.0.jar  ../lib/imagenes.jar  ../lib/driverpersistencia.jar  ../lib/javax.persistence_2.0.3.v201010191057.jar]]></class-path> 

it make classpath multi line, remember spaces @ start of each line. according jar specification, manifest line can have @ 72 bytes.


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