php - Function doesn't move image but returns info correctly -

i'm tryin upload 2 images seems move_uploaded_file() doesn't move file, no errors have been generated.

// upload image function upload_image($tmp,$name) {     $ext = explode('.',$name);     if (preg_match('~(jpeg|jpg|gif|png)$~i', $name)) {     $ext = end($ext);      $name = substr(md5(rand()), 0, 10).'.' . $ext;     $upload_dir = '/music/uploads/' . $name;     echo $tmp;     move_uploaded_file($tmp,'/home/shadne/public_html'.$upload_dir);          return $upload_dir;     } else {         throw new errorexception('file type not allowed');     } } 

file/folder permission 0777, used images/new before using /uploads

edit 1

code handles uploading , checkin

<?php require_once '../config.php'; require 'includes/functions.php';  if (!empty($_files['artist_profile_image'])) {     $profile_image_name = $_files['artist_profile_image']['name'];     $profile_image_tmp = $_files['artist_profile_image']['tmp'];     $profile_image_dir = upload_image($profile_image_tmp, $profile_image_name); }  if (!empty($_files['artist_thumb'])) {     $thumb_name = $_files['artist_thumb']['name'];     $thumb_tmp = $_files['artist_thumb']['tmp'];     $thumb_dir = upload_image($thumb_tmp, $thumb_name); }  if (empty($_post) === false) {     $required_fields = array('artist_name', 'artist_thumb', 'artist_profile_image', 'birthday');     foreach ($_post $key => $value) {             if (empty($value) && in_array($key, $required_fields) === true) {                 $errors[] = 'fields marked asterstrik required';                 break 1;             }     } }  if (isset($_get['success'])) {     echo 'you\'ve added new artist.'; } else {     if (empty($_post) === false && empty($errors) === true) {         $artist_data = array(             'artist_name'           => $_post['artist_name'],             'artist_thumb'          => $thumb_dir,             'artist_profile_image'  =>  $profile_image_dir,             'birthday'              => $_post['birthday'],         );          add_artist($artist_data);         //exit(header('location: add_artist.php?success'));      } else if (empty($errors) === false) {         echo output_errors($errors);     } ?> <!doctype html> <html lang="en">     <head>         <meta charset="utf-8" />         <title>admin area</title>     </head>     <body>  <h1>add artist</h1>  <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">     <ul>         <li>             artist name*: <input type="text" name="artist_name" />         </li>         <li>             artist thumbnail*: <input type="file" name="artist_thumb" />         </li>         <li>             artist profile image*: <input type="file" name="artist_profile_image" />         </li>         <li>             birthday*:                     <input type="date" name="birthday" />         </li>                             <li>         <input type="submit" value="add artist" />         </li>     </ul> </form> <?php  } ?>     </body> </html> 

you need check if move_uploaded_file returns true or false. can silently fail if input file not valid upload file. sending in $tmp?

check out: return values.


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