c# - Control as dependencyproperty / WPF -

i have custom control derived control class. want create dependency property of control (for example, button) , place in controltemplate (so button can placed in xaml , mycontrol's users can subscribe it's events etc.). may tell me, how can it?

here result code example:

public class mycontrol: control {     static mycontrol( )     {         defaultstylekeyproperty.overridemetadata(typeof(mycontrol), new frameworkpropertymetadata(typeof(mycontrol)));     }      public static readonly dependencyproperty mybuttonproperty =         dependencyproperty.register("mybutton",                                     typeof(button),                                     typeof(mycontrol),                                     new propertymetadata(default(button)));      public button mybutton     {                 {             return (button) getvalue(mybuttonproperty);         }         set         {             setvalue(mybuttonproperty, value);         }     } } 


<controltemplate targettype="{x:type lib:mycontrol}">         <canvas>                 <border child="{templatebinding mybutton}">                 </border>         </canvas> </controltemplate> 

your control's template can declare dependency on child controls via templatepartattribute. instance of dependency in onapplytemplate method.

[templatepart(name = partbutton, type = typeof(buttonbase))] public class mycontrol : control {     private const string partbutton = "part_button";     private buttonbase buttonpart;      public override void onapplytemplate()     {         base.onapplytemplate();          this.buttonpart = gettemplatechild(partbutton) buttonbase;     } } 

your control template like:

<style targettype="mycontrol">     <setter property="template">         <setter.value>             <controltemplate targettype="mycontrol">                 <border ...>                     <button x:name="part_button" .../>                 </border>             </controltemplate>         </setter.value>     </setter> </style 

note this.buttonpart null if template did not include appropriately named buttonbase within it. should strive ensure control still works when template parts missing.


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