sql - Mysql Error Output: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 -

sql query:

insert probid_users  (username, password, email, reg_date, payment_mode, balance, max_credit, salt, tax_account_type, tax_company_name, tax_reg_number, tax_apply_exempt, name, address, city, country, state, zip_code, phone, birthdate, birthdate_year, newsletter, pg_paypal_email, pg_worldpay_id, pg_checkout_id, pg_nochex_email, pg_ikobo_username, pg_ikobo_password, pg_protx_username, pg_protx_password, pg_authnet_username, pg_authnet_password, pg_mb_email, pg_paymate_merchant_id, pg_gc_merchant_id, pg_gc_merchant_key, pg_amazon_access_key, pg_amazon_secret_key, pg_alertpay_id, pg_alertpay_securitycode, pg_gunpal_id, first_name, last_name, pg_account_number, pg_account_holder_name, pg_account_holders_number, pg_bank_name, pg_bank_code, pg_paypal_percent_fee, pg_paypal_flat_fee )  values  ('42685', '**181e6bd87b116b270bef7c308fd2afdb**', 'jose_jamo@hotmail.com', **1368979346**, **2**, '-5', '5.00', 'dc1', '0', '', '', '0', 'vv fvf', 'fvfvf', 'fvfv', '2083', '2173', '4262', '28823625', '1986-01-01', '1986', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'vv', 'fvf', '', '','', '', '') 

where error? between ????*?

your "insert into" part of query specifies 50 columns "values" specifies 48. add 2 more blank string values out.

insert probid_users (username, password, email, reg_date, payment_mode, balance, max_credit, salt, tax_account_type, tax_company_name, tax_reg_number, tax_apply_exempt, name, address, city, country, state, zip_code, phone, birthdate, birthdate_year, newsletter, pg_paypal_email, pg_worldpay_id, pg_checkout_id, pg_nochex_email, pg_ikobo_username, pg_ikobo_password, pg_protx_username, pg_protx_password, pg_authnet_username, pg_authnet_password, pg_mb_email, pg_paymate_merchant_id, pg_gc_merchant_id, pg_gc_merchant_key, pg_amazon_access_key, pg_amazon_secret_key, pg_alertpay_id, pg_alertpay_securitycode, pg_gunpal_id, first_name, last_name, pg_account_number, pg_account_holder_name, pg_account_holders_number, pg_bank_name, pg_bank_code, pg_paypal_percent_fee, pg_paypal_flat_fee )  values ('42685', '181e6bd87b116b270bef7c308fd2afdb', 'jose_jamo@hotmail.com', 1368979346, 2, '-5', '5.00', 'dc1', '0', '', '', '0', 'vv fvf', 'fvfvf', 'fvfv', '2083', '2173', '4262', '28823625', '1986-01-01', '1986', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'vv', 'fvf', '', '','', '', '', '', '') 


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