angularjs - using mongolab with angular for update(put) but record is not getting updated correctly -

i have following angular code below. i'm noticing when call ng-click="update($index," update name field, creating new key/value pair in json list id not necessary. other fields such type, cdn etc. getting wiped out. want update name field. thanks!

                    var tools = angular.module("tools", ['ngresource'])                  tools.config(function($routeprovider) {                     $routeprovider.when('/home', {                         templateurl: 'home.html',                         controller: 'homecontroller'                     });                     $routeprovider.when('/about', {                         templateurl: 'about.html',                         controller: 'aboutcontroller'                     });                     $routeprovider.otherwise({                         redirectto: '/home'                     })                 });                 tools.controller("homecontroller", function($scope, fetchdata, containitems, fetchdata) {                     $scope.arrayofmodel = ["nothing"];                     $scope.clearsearch = function() {                         $ = "";                         $scope.name2 = "";                     }                     $scope.name2 = "";                     $ = "";                     //read                     $scope.record = fetchdata.query();                     //create                     $scope.addnew = function(name, $location) {                         //create forum object send back-end                         var forum = new fetchdata($scope.addnew1);                         //save forum object                         forum.$save(function(response) {                             $scope.record.unshift(response);                             //$scope.record = fetchdata.query();                         }, function(response) {                             //post response objects view                             $scope.errors =;                         });                     }                     //delete                     $scope.destroy = function(index) {                         //alert($scope.record[index]._id.$oid);                         //return false;                         //tell server remove object                         fetchdata.delete({                             id: $scope.record[index]._id.$oid                         }, function() {                             //if successful, remove our collection                             $scope.record.splice(index, 1);                         });                     }                     //update                     $scope.update = function(index, newname) {                         fetchdata.update({                             id: $scope.record[index]._id.$oid,                             name: newname                         }, function() {                             console.log('posted');                             $scope.record = fetchdata.query();                         });                     }                 });                 tools.controller("aboutcontroller", function($scope) {});                 tools.factory('fetchdata', function($resource) {                     return $resource('{name: 1}&apikey=_qns_m-iz9-rckjnmvyemvvayl', {}, {                         'get': {                             method: 'get'                         },                         'save': {                             method: 'post'                         },                         //create                         'query': {                             method: 'get',                             isarray: true                         },                         //read                         'remove': {                             method: 'delete'                         },                         'update': {                             method: 'put',                             params: {                                 id: "@id"                             }                         },                         //update                         'delete': {                             method: 'delete',                             params: {                                 id: "@id"                             }                         }                     }) //delete                 }); 

also here view:

 <tbody>     <tr ng-repeat="list in record | filter: {type:name2, name: search}">      <td>{{list._id.$oid}}</td>      <td><input ng-model=""></td>      <td>{{list.type}}</td>      <td><img src="{{list.logo}}" /></td>      <td><a target="_blank" href="{{list.url}}">url</a></td>      <td><a ng-show="list.cdn != ''" href="{{list.cdn}}">cdn</a></td>      <td><a target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary btn-large" href="{{}}" ng-click="putconsole(">download</a></td>      <td><a target="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-large" ng-click="destroy($index)">delete!</a></td>      <td><a target="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-large" ng-click="update($index,">update!</a></td>   </tr>   <!--<tr><span ng-show="totalcount.length == '0'">no results found. please reset search , try again!</span></tr>--> 

when perform update mongodb, replace existing document 1 specify unless use update operators:

in case, if want change value of single field while leaving rest alone, have use "$set" operator:

for example:

{ "$set" : { "name" : newname } } 

this should appear in body of put request. _id of document want change should specified in url. see "view, update, or delete document" section in official api documentation more details:


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