c++ - What does the double colon stand for in the Qt documentation? -

i'm newbie on qt, , in documentation, don't understand syntax prototype shown below:

here syntax prototype of function addtab() qtabwidget class.

int qtabwidget::addtab(qwidget * page, const qstring & label) 

i don't understand why two colons after qtabwidget. think said addtab() comes qtabwidget class, if want use function, have include qtabwidget (or class wrap whole , include @ same time qtabwidget). right ?

but write syntax qtabwidget::addtab(.....) in practical/in code or notation documentation signify class comes from?

i don't understand why 2 colons after qtabwidget. think said addtab() comes qtabwidget class, if want use function, have include qtabwidget (or class wrap whole , include @ same time qtabwidget). right ?

have ever programmed in c++? it's scope resolution operator. means addtab name found in qtabwidget scope; documentation borrows how you're going define method (curious? have look).

the scope resolution operator has nothing do header declares name (in qt docs, header include explicitely written @ beginning of each class' documentation).


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