How to release only a part of the artifacts in Nexus Staging repository -

is there way release artifacts nexus staging repository?

i'm using maven release plugin push artifacts nexus pro staging repository. qa team takes over, , release staging repository web interface once done.

the qa team getting jars staging repository, , need sources jars tests.

when release content staging release repository, not want release source jars.

is there way release of items in nexus staging repository?

right i'm deleting source jars manually release repository after promoted it. had few near misses, deleting wrong file...

any nexus pro on features of nexus pro brilliant!

thanks, eyal

i ended running 2 different builds using maven profiles.

<profiles>     <profile>                <id>release</id>         <properties>             <release-repository-id>releases</release-repository-id>             <release-repository--url>nexus-server/nexus/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/</release-repository--url>         </properties>     </profile>     <profile>                <id>internal</id>         <properties>             <release-repository-id>internal</release-repository-id>             <release-repository--url>nexus-server/nexus/content/repositories/internal</release-repository--url>         </properties>     </profile> </profiles> 

then used these properties in distribution management section

<distributionmanagement>     <repository>         <id>${release-repository-id}</id>                <url>${release-repository--url}</url>     </repository> </distributionmanagement> 

in manner, running "mvn release:prepare -prelease" , "mvn release:prepare -pinternal" delivered artifacts respective repositories.

these build steps execute on same checkout working copy, identical revision build artifacts.


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