JNI C function cannot be resolved in Android -

i have package named com.self.tryffmpeg. there's file mainactivity.java inside package declares 2 native functions c inside jni folder

static {  system.loadlibrary("ffmpeg");   system.loadlibrary("ffmpeg-test-jni");    }      private native int createengine(); private native string loadfile(string file, byte[] array);   } 

inside jni folder, there's c file exports functions needed mainactivity.java.

inside c , exports functions

niexport jint jnicall java_com_self_tryffmpeg_mainactivity_createengine(jnienv* env, jclass clazz) {  }   jniexport jintarray jnicall java_com_self_tryffmpeg_mainactivity_loadfile(jnienv* env, jobject obj,jstring file,jbytearray array) { } 

but error functions of loadfile , createengine cannot resolved. unsatisfiedlinkerror. did wrong that. thought export functions correctly.


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