image processing - Fastest Sobel Edge Detection C# -

i want make program implements sobel edge detection. code :

private bitmap sobeledgedetect(bitmap ori) {         bitmap b = original;         bitmap bb = original;         int width = b.width;         int height = b.height;         int[,] gx = new int[,] { { -1, 0, 1 }, { -2, 0, 2 }, { -1, 0, 1 } };         int[,] gy = new int[,] { { 1, 2, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { -1, -2, -1 } };          int[,] allpixr = new int[width, height];         int[,] allpixg = new int[width, height];         int[,] allpixb = new int[width, height];          int limit = 128 * 128;          (int = 0; < width; i++)         {             (int j = 0; j < height; j++)             {                 allpixr[i, j] = b.getpixel(i, j).r;                 allpixg[i, j] = b.getpixel(i, j).g;                 allpixb[i, j] = b.getpixel(i, j).b;             }         }          int new_rx = 0, new_ry = 0;         int new_gx = 0, new_gy = 0;         int new_bx = 0, new_by = 0;         int rc, gc, bc;         (int = 1; < b.width - 1; i++)         {             (int j = 1; j < b.height - 1; j++)             {                  new_rx = 0;                 new_ry = 0;                 new_gx = 0;                 new_gy = 0;                 new_bx = 0;                 new_by = 0;                 rc = 0;                 gc = 0;                 bc = 0;                  (int wi = -1; wi < 2; wi++)                 {                     (int hw = -1; hw < 2; hw++)                     {                         rc = allpixr[i + hw, j + wi];                         new_rx += gx[wi + 1, hw + 1] * rc;                         new_ry += gy[wi + 1, hw + 1] * rc;                          gc = allpixg[i + hw, j + wi];                         new_gx += gx[wi + 1, hw + 1] * gc;                         new_gy += gy[wi + 1, hw + 1] * gc;                          bc = allpixb[i + hw, j + wi];                         new_bx += gx[wi + 1, hw + 1] * bc;                         new_by += gy[wi + 1, hw + 1] * bc;                     }                 }                 if (new_rx * new_rx + new_ry * new_ry > limit || new_gx * new_gx + new_gy * new_gy > limit || new_bx * new_bx + new_by * new_by > limit)                     bb.setpixel(i, j,;                  //bb.setpixel (i, j, color.fromargb(allpixr[i,j],allpixg[i,j],allpixb[i,j]));                 else                     bb.setpixel(i, j, color.transparent);             }         }         return bb;    } 

i want using lockbits program can run faster, still not understand how use it. give explanation or example code?

you need use lockbits instead of getpixel , setpixel.

so create bitmapdata object contains of pixel data:

// lock input bitmap's bits   system.drawing.imaging.bitmapdata bmpdata =     original.lockbits(new rectangle(0, 0, original.width, original.height),, original.pixelformat); 

then, can address of first scan line (i.e. first row of pixels):

intptr ptr = bmpdata.scan0; 

now have 2 choices. if you're happy mark function unsafe can access pixels directly using pointer arithmetic, this

byte* ppixels = (byte*)ptr.topointer(); 

which gives pointer first byte of rgb pixel (assuming 24bpp). can access individual pixel @ (x,y) using pointer arithmetic. first determine how many bytes per pixel (if don't know)

int nbytesperpixel = image.getpixelformatsize(original.pixelformat) / 8; 

then calculate index pixel want

byte* ppixelatxy = ppixels + (y * bmpdata.stride) + (x * nbytesperpixel); 

this gives unsafe access pixels in bitmap can input , output bitmaps fastest speed. note use unsafe code, need mark function unsafe , edit project properties.

if don't want use unsafe code, can still speed things copying of pixel data byte array before processing , copy afterwards. msdn example showed

// address of first line. intptr ptr = bmpdata.scan0;  // declare array hold bytes of bitmap.  int bytes = math.abs(bmpdata.stride) * bmp.height; byte[] rgbvalues = new byte[bytes];  // copy rgb values array. system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.copy(ptr, rgbvalues, 0, bytes);  // set every third value 255. 24bpp bitmap red.    (int counter = 2; counter < rgbvalues.length; counter += 3)     rgbvalues[counter] = 255;  // copy rgb values bitmap system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.copy(rgbvalues, 0, ptr, bytes); 

whichever method use, when have finished pixel data, must release using unlockbits



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