android - lauching different activities depending on a value -

i'm trying start new activity depending of value of parameter when user clicks next button

    <button     android:id="@+id/next"     android:layout_width="fill_parent"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:text="@string/next" /> 

i think shouldn't use code know launch new activity, because launchs single activity.


my purpose user sets parameter (a number) , each number corresponds different activities.

i guess should write similar (in oncreate method)

button btn=(button)findviewbyid(; int parameter=1; //it contains number, in our case, might instance 1     btn.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener()      {         public void onclick(view v)         {             switch(parameter)             {             //now problem.                case 0 :                 lanzarcalculate(v);                 case 1 :                lanzarcalculate2(v);             }         }     }); 

the methods creates intents are

public void lanzarcalculate(view view) //si apretamos el boton calculate {     intent = new intent(this, calculate.class);     bundle b = new bundle();     b.putdouble("time", tau);     i.putextras(b);     startactivity(i); }  public void lanzarcalculate2(view view) {     intent = new intent(this, calculate2.class);     bundle b = new bundle();     b.putdouble("time", tau);     i.putextras(b);     startactivity(i); }  

enter code here

thank much, hope can me.

i think problem unsure of how use intent "dynamically". how have done keep repeating code

@override     public boolean onmenuitemclick(menuitem item)      {         intent intent = new intent();        // first, create intent object         string nextact = null;               // name activity start intent         string package = "";  // set package name         int flag = -1;                      // in case want set flags depending on activity          switch (item.getitemid())         {             case (            // mine menu options use ints have                 nextact = package + "loginscreen";                 flag = intent.flag_activity_clear_top;                 break;             case (                 nextact = package+ "changelocation";   // package reused in cases different me                 break;                   default:                 toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "item not available", toast.length_short).show();         }          try          {             if (nextact != null)             {                 intent = new intent(baseactivity.this, class.forname(nextact));  // change string setting activity name                 if (flag != -1)                 {   intent.setflags(flag);  }  // set flags if had                 startactivity(intent);  // start activity             } 

this popupmenu can same thing in onclick(). have added comments in code explain doing.

also, this


would fine in xml. this, wouldn't need define button , listener

public void lanzaractividad(view v) {     // code above } 

this function called , run when click button


it seems underlying problems need use youractivityname.this instead of this when create intents. also, add break; statements in each case or go on , run next case. above code keep needing rewrite intent code since of same


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