.htaccess - how to redirect all URLs to a different URL? -


i have urls this, domain/buy-now/product title/productid


considering online shop contains alot of products different product title , product id right? how going redirect "all urls format", "this new url" via htaccess ?


the difference is, word "order" got transferred beside "buy-now"

try adding these rules htaccess file in document root:

rewriteengine on rewriterule ^buy-now/([^/]+)/order/([0-9]+)$ /buy-now/order/$1/$2 [l,r=301] 

you can remove =301 square brackets if don't want permanent redirect. if you'd rather use htaccess file in /buy-now directory:

rewriteengine on rewritebase /buy-now/ rewriterule ^([^/]+)/order/([0-9]+)$ order/$1/$2 [l,r=301] 


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