java - Getting error Error: Could not find or load main class JavaFixHistoryMiner, Don't know how to fix -

everything in code seems fine. not understand why giving me error.

using eclipse ide (juno), i've clicked "run" , got following message on console:

error: not find or load main class javafixhistoryminer

this imported file, added external library

/**  * example of how request , process historical rate data java api   *   * @author rkichenama  */ public class javafixhistoryminer implements igenericmessagelistener, istatusmessagelistener {     private static final string server = "";     private static final string test_currency = "eur/usd";      private fxcmloginproperties login;     private igateway gateway;     private string currentrequest;     private boolean requestcomplete;      private arraylist<collateralreport> accounts = new arraylist<collateralreport>();     private hashmap<utcdate, marketdatasnapshot> historicalrates = new hashmap<utcdate, marketdatasnapshot>();      private static printwriter output = new printwriter((outputstream)system.out, true);     public printwriter getoutput() { return output; }     public void setoutput(printwriter newoutput) { output = newoutput; }      /**      * creates new javafixhistoryminer credentials configuration file      *       * @param username      * @param password       * @param terminal - terminal login into, dependent on type of account, case sensitive      * @param server - url, ''      * @param file - local file used define configuration      */     public javafixhistoryminer(string username, string password, string terminal, string file)     {         // if file not specified         if(file == null)             // create local loginproperty             this.login = new fxcmloginproperties(username, password, terminal, server);         else             this.login = new fxcmloginproperties(username, password, terminal, server, file);     }      /**      * creates new javafixhistoryminer credentials , no configuration file      *       * @param username      * @param password      * @param terminal - terminal login into, dependent on type of account, case sensitive      * @param server - url, ''      */     public javafixhistoryminer(string username, string password, string terminal)     {         // call proper constructor         this(username, password, terminal, null);     }      public javafixhistoryminer(string[] args)     {         // call proper constructor         this(args[0], args[1], args[2], null);     }      /**      * attempt login credentials supplied in constructor, assigning self listeners      */     public boolean login()     {         return this.login(this, this);     }      /**      * attempt login credentials supplied in constructor      *       * @param genericmessagelistener - listener object trading events      * @param statusmessagelistener - listener object status events      *       * @return true if login successful, false if not      */     public boolean login(igenericmessagelistener genericmessagelistener, istatusmessagelistener statusmessagelistener)     {         try         {             // if gateway has not been defined             if(gateway == null)                 // assign new gateway created factory                 gateway = gatewayfactory.creategateway();             // register generic message listener gateway             gateway.registergenericmessagelistener(genericmessagelistener);             // register status message listener gateway             gateway.registerstatusmessagelistener(statusmessagelistener);             // if gateway has not been connected             if(!gateway.isconnected())             {                 // attempt login local login properties                 gateway.login(this.login);             }             else             {                 // attempt re-login api                 gateway.relogin();             }             // set state of request incomplete             requestcomplete = false;             // request current trading session status             currentrequest = gateway.requesttradingsessionstatus();             // wait until request complete             while(!requestcomplete) {}             // return process successful             return true;         }         catch(exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); }         // if error occurred, return process failed         return false;     }      /**      * attempt logout, assuming supplied listeners reference self      */     public void logout()     {         this.logout(this, this);     }      /**      * attempt logout, removing supplied listeners prior disconnection      *       * @param genericmessagelistener - listener object trading events      * @param statusmessagelistener - listener object status events      */     public void logout(igenericmessagelistener genericmessagelistener, istatusmessagelistener statusmessagelistener)     {         // attempt logout of api         gateway.logout();         // remove generic message listener, stop listening updates         gateway.removegenericmessagelistener(genericmessagelistener);         // remove status message listener, stop listening status changes         gateway.removestatusmessagelistener(statusmessagelistener);     }      /**      * request refresh of collateral reports under current login      */     public void retrieveaccounts()     {         // if gateway null attempt login         if(gateway == null) this.login();         // set state of request incomplete         requestcomplete = false;         // request refresh of collateral reports         currentrequest = gateway.requestaccounts();         // wait until reqports have been processed         while(!requestcomplete) {}     }      /**      * send formed order api , wait response.      *        *  @return market order number of placed trade, none if trade did not execute, null on error       */     public string sendrequest(itransportable request)     {         try         {             // set completion status of requst false             requestcomplete = false;             // send request message api             currentrequest = gateway.sendmessage(request);             // wait until api answers on particular request             // while(!requestcomplete) {}             // if there value return, passed currentresult             return currentrequest;         }         catch(exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); }         // if error occured, return no result         return null;     }      /**      * implementing istatusmessagelistener capture , process messages sent api      *       * @param status - status message received api      */     @override public void messagearrived(isessionstatus status)     {         // check status code         if(status.getstatuscode() == isessionstatus.statuscode_error ||                 status.getstatuscode() == isessionstatus.statuscode_disconnecting ||                 status.getstatuscode() == isessionstatus.statuscode_connecting ||                 status.getstatuscode() == isessionstatus.statuscode_connected ||                 status.getstatuscode() == isessionstatus.statuscode_critical_error ||                 status.getstatuscode() == isessionstatus.statuscode_expired ||                 status.getstatuscode() == isessionstatus.statuscode_loggingin ||                 status.getstatuscode() == isessionstatus.statuscode_loggedin ||                 status.getstatuscode() == isessionstatus.statuscode_processing ||                 status.getstatuscode() == isessionstatus.statuscode_disconnected)         {             // display status message             output.println("\t\t" + status.getstatusmessage());         }     }      /**      * implementing igenericmessagelistener capture , process messages sent api      *       * @param message - message received processing api      */     @override public void messagearrived(itransportable message)     {         // decide child function send cast instance of message          try         {             // if instance of collateralreport, process collateral report              if(message instanceof collateralreport) messagearrived((collateralreport)message);             // if instance of marketdatasnapshot, process historical data              if(message instanceof marketdatasnapshot) messagearrived((marketdatasnapshot)message);             // if instance of marketdatarequestreject, process historical data request error             if(message instanceof marketdatarequestreject) messagearrived((marketdatarequestreject)message);             // if message instance of tradingsessionstatus, cast , send child function             else if(message instanceof tradingsessionstatus) messagearrived((tradingsessionstatus)message);         }         catch(exception e) { e.printstacktrace(output); }     }      /**      * separate function handle collateral report requests      *       * @param cr - message interpreted instance of collateralreport      */     public void messagearrived(collateralreport cr)     {         // if report result of direct request waiting process         if(currentrequest.equals(cr.getrequestid()) && !accounts.contains(cr))         {             // add trading account account list             accounts.add(cr);             // set state of request completed if last collateral report             // requested             requestcomplete = cr.islastrptrequested();         }     }      /**    /**      * separate function handle trading session status updates , pull trading instruments      *       * @param tss - message interpreted tradingsessionstatus instance      */     public void messagearrived(tradingsessionstatus tss)     {         // check see if there request main application session update         if(currentrequest.equals(tss.getrequestid()))         {             // set request complete waiting thread             requestcomplete = true;             // attempt set historical market data request             try             {                 // create new market data request                 marketdatarequest mdr = new marketdatarequest();                 // set subscription type ask snapshot of history                 mdr.setsubscriptionrequesttype(subscriptionrequesttypefactory.snapshot);                 // request response formated fxcm style                 mdr.setresponseformat(ifixdefs.msgtype_fxcmresponse);                 // set intervale of data candles                 mdr.setfxcmtiminginterval(fxcmtimingintervalfactory.min15);                 // set type set data candles                 mdr.setmdentrytypeset(marketdatarequest.mdentrytypeset_all);                 // configure start , end dates                 date = new date();                 calendar calendar = (calendar)calendar.getinstance().clone();                 calendar.settime(now);                 calendar.add(calendar.day_of_month, -1);                 date beforenow = calendar.gettime();                 // set dates , times market data request                 mdr.setfxcmstartdate(new utcdate(beforenow));                 mdr.setfxcmstarttime(new utctimeonly(beforenow));                 mdr.setfxcmenddate(new utcdate(now));                 mdr.setfxcmendtime(new utctimeonly(now));                 // set instrument on want historical data                 mdr.addrelatedsymbol(tss.getsecurity(test_currency));                 // send request                 sendrequest(mdr);             }             catch(exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); }         }     }      /**      * separate function handle rejection of market data historical snapshot      *       * @param mdrr - message interpreted instance of marketdatarequestreject      */     public void messagearrived(marketdatarequestreject mdrr)     {         // display note consisting of reason request rejected         output.println("historical data rejected; " + mdrr.getmdreqrejreason());         // set state of request complete         requestcomplete = true;     }      /**      * separate function handle receipt of market data snapshots      *       * current dealing rates retrieved through same class historical requests. difference      * historical requests 'answers' specific request.      *       * @param mds      */     public void messagearrived(marketdatasnapshot mds)     {         // if market data snapshot part of answer specific request         try         {             if(mds.getrequestid() != null && mds.getrequestid().equals(currentrequest))             {                 // add snapshot historicalrates table                 synchronized(historicalrates) { historicalrates.put(mds.getdate(), mds); }                 // set request complete if continuous flaf @ end                 requestcomplete = (mds.getfxcmcontinuousflag() == ifixdefs.fxcmcontinuous_end);             }         }         catch (exception e)         {             // todo auto-generated catch block             e.printstacktrace();         }     }      /**      * display historical rates captured      */     public void displayhistory()     {         // give table header         output.println("rate 15 minute candle history " + test_currency);         // give table column headings         output.println("date\t   time\t\tobid\tcbid\thbid\tlbid");         // keys historicalrates table sorted list         sortedset<utcdate> candle = new treeset<utcdate>(historicalrates.keyset());         // define format dates         simpledateformat sdf = new simpledateformat(" hh:mm:ss z");         // make date formatter above convert gmt est         sdf.settimezone(timezone.gettimezone("est"));         // go through keys of historicalrates table         for(int = 0; < candle.size(); i++)         {             // create single instance of snapshot             marketdatasnapshot candledata;             synchronized(historicalrates) { candledata = historicalrates.get(candle.toarray()[i]); }             // convert key date             date candledate = ((utcdate)candle.toarray()[i]).todate();             // print out historicalrate table data             output.println(                     sdf.format(candledate) + "\t" +    // date , time formatted , converted est                             candledata.getbidopen() + "\t" +   // open bid candle                             candledata.getbidclose() + "\t" +  // close bid candle                             candledata.getbidhigh() + "\t" +   // high bid candle                             candledata.getbidlow());           // low bid candle         }         // repeat table column headings         output.println("date\t   time\t\tobid\tcbid\thbid\tlbid");     }      public static void main(string[] args)     {         try         {             // create instance of javafixhistoryminer             javafixhistoryminer miner = new javafixhistoryminer("rkichenama", "1311016", "demo");             // login api             miner.login();             // retrieve trader accounts ensure login process complete             miner.retrieveaccounts();             // display nore history display delayed             // partially theatrics, partially ensure rates collected             output.println("displaying history in");             // wait ~ 2.5 seconds             for(int = 5; > 0; i--)             {                 output.println(i + "...");                 thread.sleep(500);             }             // display collected rates             miner.displayhistory();             // log out of api             miner.logout();         }         catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); }     } } 


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