javascript - AngularJS and Fullcalendar: eventClick works only first time -

i'm using angular module based on fullcalendar: along dialog module ng-bootstrap. configured calendar show dialog editing event on eventclick action. works fine once. after closing first dialog , clicking again on event new dialog doesn't show. when click on other link on page, desired dialogs shows 1 one they're queued somewhere way.

here's snippet controller:

 $scope.showeditvisitdialog = function (event) {     var editvisitdialogopts = {         backdropclick: false,         templateurl: 'views/addeditvisitdialog.html',         controller: 'addeditvisitdialogcontroller',         resolve: {             patientid: function () {                 return event.patientid;             },             visitid: function () {                 return;             }         }     };     var editvisitdialog = $dialog.dialog(editvisitdialogopts); (updatedvisit) {     //some action     }); };   $scope.calendar = {     height: 450,     editable: true,     header: {         left: 'month agendaweek ',         center: 'title',         right: 'today prev,next'     },     eventclick: $scope.showeditvisitdialog }; $ = []; $scope.eventsources = [$] 

events fetched rest later in controller.

in html: <div ui-calendar="calendar" config="calendar" ng-model="eventsources"/>

no errors in console, doing wrong?

code on plunker:

as always, things simpler , more obvious when there's fiddle/plnkr available. need place call showeditvisitdialog inside $apply function:

... $scope.calendar = {   editable: true,   eventclick: function(){     $scope.$apply(function(){       $scope.showeditvisitdialog()     });   } }; ... 

working plnkr.


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