c# - .NET web service with many requests -

i have .net web-service in server. web-service gets lots of requests per day. there android project allot of people using , exchange data ws. 20 requests per minute.

recently im getting allot of timeouts server , cant find out reason. did write web.config wrong? or else?

here system.web on config:

    <system.web>     <compilation debug="true" targetframework="4.0">         <assemblies>             <add assembly="system.data.linq, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089"/></assemblies></compilation> <httpruntime executiontimeout="9000" maxrequestlength="500000"/>     <webservices>         <protocols>             <add name="httpsoap12"/>             <add name="httpsoap"/>             <add name="httpget"/>             <add name="httppost"/>         </protocols>     </webservices> </system.web> 

what can improve? can set max requests or max bandwidth?

you need set debug="false" debug="true" forces web server run single-threaded


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