javascript - OpenTok Api Broadcasted video placement in web page -

i using opentok , connected broadcast service , getting object of flash player @ bottom of page.

how can place in particular div..

this code using connect opentol api

function initiatecall() {             if (session != undefined) {                 if (!iscalled) {                     session.addeventlistener("sessionconnected", sessionconnectedhandler);                     session.addeventlistener("streamcreated", streamcreatedhandler);                     session.connect("21457612", token_id); // replace api key , token. see                     // ,                     iscalled = true;                      $.ajax({                         data: '{"chatid":"' + chat_id + '","nurseid":"' + nurse_id + '","devicetype":"browser"}',                         type: "post",                         datatype: "json",                         contenttype: "application/json;charset=utf-8",                         url: "someurl.asmx/makecall",                         success: function (data) { initiatecall(chat_id, session_id, token_id); },                         eror: function (a, b, c) { alert(a.responsetext); }                     });                  }             } else {                 alert("session expired!!");             }         }          function sessionconnectedhandler(event) {             subscribetostreams(event.streams);             session.publish();         }          function streamcreatedhandler(event) {             subscribetostreams(event.streams);         }          function subscribetostreams(streams) {             (i = 0; < streams.length; i++) {                 var stream = streams[i];                 if (stream.connection.connectionid != session.connection.connectionid) {                     session.subscribe(stream);                 }             }         }          function exceptionhandler(event) {             alert("exception: " + event.code + "::" + event.message);         }           </script>     <!--end of code-->     <!--signal r-->     <script type="text/javascript">         $(function () {              //$ hubconfiguration { enablecrossdomain = true });             // proxy created on fly             var chat = $             //var chat = $.connection.webpushnotification;             //alert(chat);             // start connection             //            $.connection.hub.start();             //port 1935             $.connection.hub.start({ transport: 'auto' }, function () {                 //alert('connected');                 $("#info").append("<br/>hub started..");                 initiatecall();                 $("#info").append("<br/>call initiated..");                 chat.send(chat_id + ',' + session_id + ',' + token_id + ',' + '<%=session["userid"].tostring() %>');                 $("#info").append("<br/>broadcasted message..");                 //$('#maincontent_connected').text('connected chat room');             });              // declare function on chat hub server can invoke             chat.addmessage = function (message) {                 //alert(message);                 //$('#messages').append('<li>' + message + '</li>');             };         });      </script> 

i have taken div show progress.

 <div id="info">         </div> 

it connect me videos , ask permission takes own place not according design.

i think should add parameter replaceelementid , set value div's id should replaced player. example: if want load player inside #container div define div #replaceelementid inside #container replaced player:

<div id="container">   <div id="replaceelementid"></div> </div> 


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