Can we inject some more lines in a function by extending it with PHP? -

i have idea event system i'm developing custom framework.

imagine pseudo function this.

class test {     public function hi()     {         event::add(__function__ . 'is run.');         return "hi";     } } 

imagine need same more functions. (maybe want log functions ran @ runtime , want log them in separate file.)

instead of doing , adding events functions manually, can this?

class test {     public function hi()     {         return "hi";     } }  // events.php (it's pseudo code may not work.) // imagine extend's purpose inject codes target function  event::bind('on', $classname, $methodname, function() use ($classname, $methodname)  {     return $classname->$methodname->extend('before', event::add(__function__ . 'is run.')); }); 

the idea inject hi() function inside test class , injecting whatever pass in extend function outside. 'before' means injection has @ first line of target function.

finally, events , event bindings kept abstracted away functions. want able bind custom things without altering functions.

i have feeling can hacking around eval() or toying call_user_func(). i'm not sure, though. using eval() sounds pretty bad already.

my question is;

  1. is possible thing php?
  2. does has name in oop/oop principles can read further?
  3. does make sense or bad idea?

yes, can. can use aop using go-aop-php libriary works on annotations.

for example want log every public method calling. instead of adding every function line this.

namespace acme;  class controller {     public function updatedata($arg1, $arg2)     {         $this->logger->info("executing method " . __method__, func_get_args());          // ...     }     } 

you can use one aspect public methods of classes of acme namespace this:

use go\aop\aspect; use go\aop\intercept\methodinvocation; use go\lang\annotation\before;      class loggingaspect implements aspect     {         /** @var null|loggerinterface */         protected $logger = null;          /** ... */         public function __construct($logger)          {             $this->logger = $logger;         }          /**          * method should called before real method          *          * @param methodinvocation $invocation invocation          * @before("execution(public acme\*->*())")          */         public function beforemethodexecution(methodinvocation $invocation)         {             $obj    = $invocation->getthis();             $class  = is_object($obj) ? get_class($obj) : $obj;             $type   = $invocation->getmethod()->isstatic() ? '::' : '->';             $name   = $invocation->getmethod()->getname();             $method = $class . $type . $name;              $this->logger->info("executing method " . $method, $invocation->getarguments());         }     }     

it looks more complicated it's more flexible.


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