java - How to put data into HashMap<key, Object> -

i new programming. have program iterates excel file , put values hashmap hashmapbut object in hash map has last record. i'll post code , may can tell me mistakes, or better yet post code how should done. please help, stuck here.

my excel file:

doc seq acc status  notes 1111    2   account test    value1 22222   3   account test2   value2 

my object ....

public class account{  int docnumber; int docsequence; string docacccode; string docstatus; string docnotes;  //getters , setters bellow ...... } 

my iterate method...

public void readfile() throws ioexception{       inputstream excelfiletoread = new fileinputstream(inputfile);     xssfworkbook wb = new xssfworkbook(excelfiletoread);     xssfsheet sheet = wb.getsheetat(0);     xssfrow row = null;     xssfcell cell = null;      int recordnumber = 0;      iterator rows = sheet.rowiterator();      while (rows.hasnext()){         row=(xssfrow);         int rownum = row.getrownum();         int cellnum = 0;         if(rownum != 0){             iterator cells = row.celliterator();             while (cells.hasnext()){                 cell=(xssfcell);                  switch(cellnum){                 case 0:                     docmap.setdocnumber((int)cell.getnumericcellvalue());                     break;                 case 1:                     docmap.setdocsequence((int)cell.getnumericcellvalue());                     break;                 case 2:                     docmap.setdocacccode(cell.getstringcellvalue());                     break;                 case 3:                     docmap.getdocstatus(cell.getstringcellvalue());                     break;                 case 4:                      docmap.getdocnotes(cell.getstringcellvalue());                 }                     cellnum ++;             }             // docmap overwrites it's self , has last record only.             records.put(recordnumber, docmap);              recordnumber ++;         }     } } 

it seems using single instance of docmap object. need new docmap in while loop.


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