java - Update primefaces growl from inside ui:component -

i have page form contains primefaces growl, , when adding message, , updating works well, shows , dissappears wanted.

i added templating of pages , have placed growl in seperate form inside main layout file, can used , updated every page using template. however, though try add message , update growl never shows up. though in response see update recivied server following:

<partial-response><changes><update id="growlform:growl"> <![cdata[<span id="growlform:growl"></span>  <script id="growlform:growl_s" type="text/javascript"> $(function(){'growl','widget_growlform_growl',  {id:'growlform:growl',sticky:true,life:6000,escape:true,msgs:   [{summary:"validation error!",detail:"please check input values.",severity:'error'}]});});   </script>]]>  </update>..... more changes 

pretty issue growl not show up. might not jsf templating, figured since worked on other page must because use same methods , everything.

the template system use:

common layout:

<h:head>     <h:outputstylesheet name="style.css" library="css" />     <script type="text/javascript" src="../resources/js/common.js"></script>     <title><ui:insert name="title"></ui:insert></title> </h:head>  <h:body>     <h:form id="growlform">         <p:growl id="growl" showdetail="true" sticky="true" />     </h:form>     <div id="page">         <div id="header">             <ui:insert name="header">                 <ui:include src="/restricted/templates/commonheader.xhtml" />             </ui:insert>         </div>          <div id="content">             <ui:insert name="content">             </ui:insert>         </div>          <div id="footer">             <ui:insert name="footer">                 <ui:include src="/restricted/templates/commonfooter.xhtml" />             </ui:insert>         </div>      </div>  </h:body> 

actual form ui part:

<ui:define name="content">         <script>             jquery(document).ready(function() {                 update();             });         </script>         <h:form id="invoiceform" styleclass="defaultform">             <div class="defaultpanel">                  //.. irrelevant content                  <span class="block"> <p:commandbutton id="submitbutton"                         actionlistener="#{invoicebean.submit}"                         value="#{msg.button_label_submit}" update=":invoiceform :growlform:growl"                         oncomplete="update()" />                 </span>             </div>         </h:form> </ui:define> 

can please me how can growl show up?


someone asked post code of "update()" function nothing ust updates input values based on other , in test phase tried rename , still growl not show.

function update() {     // document.getelementbyid("total_price_amount").value = tofixed(ish *     // 1.2,2);     var sumnet = 0;     var sumtax = 0;     var sumtotal = 0;      var selectvat = document.getelementbyid("invoiceform:vat");     var label = selectvat.options[selectvat.selectedindex].text;     var valueastext = label.substring(0, label.length - 1);     var valueasint = parseint(valueastext);      var defaulttax = valueasint / 100;     $("[id$='articleitemreference']")             .each(                     function() {                         var currentid = $(this).attr('id');                         var prefix = currentid.replace('articleitemreference',                                 '');                         var quantity = document.getelementbyid(prefix                                 + 'quantity').value;                         var price = document.getelementbyid(prefix + 'price').value;                         // set price incl vat                         var priceincl = tofixed((1 + defaulttax) * price);                         document.getelementbyid(prefix + 'priceinclvat').value = priceincl;                         var discountamount = document.getelementbyid(prefix                                 + 'discount').value;                         var discounttype = document.getelementbyid(prefix                                 + 'discounttype').value;                          var totalprice = price * quantity;                         var totalpricewithdiscount;                         if (discounttype == 'percent') {                             totalpricewithdiscount = totalprice                                     * ((100 - discountamount) / 100);                         } else {                             totalpricewithdiscount = totalprice                                     - discountamount;                         }                          document.getelementbyid(prefix + 'sum').value = tofixed(                                 totalpricewithdiscount, 2);                          var tax = totalpricewithdiscount * defaulttax;                          sumnet = sumnet + totalpricewithdiscount;                         sumtax = sumtax + tax;                         sumtotal = sumtotal + (totalpricewithdiscount + tax);                     });     document.getelementbyid("invoiceform:sumofall").innerhtml = tofixed(             sumtotal, 2);     document.getelementbyid("invoiceform:sumoftax").innerhtml = tofixed(sumtax,             2);     document.getelementbyid("invoiceform:sumofnet").innerhtml = tofixed(sumnet,             2); } 


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