c++ - Creating Toolbox objects (e.g. Labels etc.) in code -

i'm new @ using microsoft visual studio, have knowledge c++ language. i'd create object can found in toolbox, such labels, button, etc., without putting them onto window hand.

how can it?

objects/controls labels , buttons special type of window, associated window class , window procedure. such, call createwindowex , supply second parameter, lpclassname, class name of object/control want create (eg. label use class name static).

check out following tutorial complete example, using button class

to create button:

hwnd hwndbutton=createwindowex(null,      "button",     "ok",     ws_tabstop|ws_visible|ws_child|bs_defpushbutton,     50,     220,     100,     24,     hwnd,     (hmenu)idc_main_button,     getmodulehandle(null),     null);` 
