treeview - How can I make the expand/collapse triangles bigger? -

kendo ui treeview triangles tiny users. want make them bigger.

if icons want make bigger, can try creating 2 images desired size , define following styles:

#grid .k-hierarchy-cell > .k-icon.k-plus {     background-image: url('/images/plus.png');     background-position: 0 0;     width: 32px;     height: 32px; }  #grid .k-hierarchy-cell > .k-icon.k-minus {     background-image: url('/images/minus.png');     background-position: 0 0;     width: 32px;     height: 32px; } 

here create image , saved in /images/plus.png expanding details , size 32x32 pixels , saved in /images/minus.png collapsing it.

with css selector i'm limiting scope grid id grid.


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