ruby on rails - Upload with CarrierWave is resulting in "no such file" error -

i started playing carrierwave , having trouble getting behave.

after setting described in rails casts, getting following error: no such file or directory - identify -quiet -ping /tmp/mini_magick20130519-13712-lxhans.jpg note: aware of typo in rails cast , issue not exist in code.

in dev environment, i've installed libmagickwand-dev package, running rails 3.2.9, , ruby 1.9.3p194, among other things. gemfile includes mini_magick.

the request being passed server this:

{"utf8"=>"✓",  "authenticity_token"=>"8ugcdkjoy/5yeodhutgmxydrxlcu2xpjxwtvvrwknwm=",  "organization"=>{"logo"=>#<actiondispatch::http::uploadedfile:0x0000000426c3d0 @original_filename="leather-tshirt-weird-square.jpg",  @content_type="image/jpeg",  @headers="content-disposition: form-data; name=\"organization[logo]\"; filename=\"leather-tshirt-weird-square.jpg\"\r\ncontent-type: image/jpeg\r\n",  @tempfile=#<file:/tmp/rackmultipart20130519-13712-1uvmtem>>,  "name"=>"test org",  "description"=>"blah",  "timezone"=>"1"},  "commit"=>"create organization"} 

the full trace located here:

after trying more advanced functionality, dumbed code down following , still having no luck:

class logouploader < carrierwave::uploader::base    include carrierwave::minimagick    storage :file    version :thumb      process :resize_to_limit => [100, 100]   end    def extension_white_list     %w(jpg jpeg gif png)   end end 

edit: have narrowed issue down modifying image after upload. if simplify code farther remove creation of :thumb size works. thoughts?

have explicitly installed imagemagick?

i had same error when using minimagick without installing imagemagick. understand minimagick defers operations mogrify command, if can't call mogrify on command line, minimagick can't either.

a *nix buff able answer more confidence, think libmagickwand-dev supports installation of graphics libraries, doesn't install itself.


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