sql - Update one row in the table, using liquibase -

i hoping if verify if correct syntax , correct way of populating db using liquibase? all, want change value of row in table , i'm doing this:

<changeset author="name" id="1231"> <update tablename="sometable">     <column name="properties" value="1" />     <where>propertyname = 'somenameofthepropery"</where> </update> <changeset> 

all want change 1 value in row in table. above doesn't work, although application compiled , didn't complain, alas, value wasn't changed.

thank you

yes possible. see below syntax:

<changeset author="name" id="1231">     <update catalogname="dbname"             schemaname="public"             tablename="sometable">         <column name="properties" type="varchar(255)"/>         <where>propertyname = 'somenameofthepropery'</where>     </update> </changeset> 

more info @ liquibase update
