javascript - update video source when clicking on a link -

i trying have page embedded video dynamically change source when link below video frame clicked. source videos on host server. i.e. pic illustrates it:

sample of page

i came across this page, seems have answer, tried , didn't work. following example, pasted css & javascript in , necessary html in body. updated references urls , tried keep file names same example testing. below tried.

can point out errors, or provide more elegant way of doing this? dynamically change embedded video when link clicked , video work in typical browsers, , devices. wordpress site, using jw player wordpress, (my error) instead found script/code video.js

it loads pre image doesn't play.

as test tried , play single video properly:

<video id="testvideo" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" width="440" height="300"     controls="controls">               <source src="" type="video/mp4"/>               <source src="" type="video/webm"/>               <source src="" type="video/ogg"/> </video> 

the javascript version multiple source links

<html>     <head>         <title></title>         <style media="screen" type="text/css"> .wrap            { margin:30px auto 10px; text-align:center } .container       { width:440px; height:300px; border:5px solid #ccc } p                { font: 10px/1.0em 'helvetica',sans-serif; margin:20px }         </style> <script> $("input[type=button]").click(function() {     var $target         = "testvid_"+$(this).attr("rel");     var $content_path   = "";       var $vid_obj        = _v_("div_video");      // hide current loaded poster     $("img.vjs-poster").hide();      $vid_obj.ready(function() {       // hide video ui       $("#div_video_html5_api").hide();       // , stop playing       $vid_obj.pause();       // assign targeted videos source nodes       $("video:nth-child(1)").attr("src",$content_path+$target+".mp4");       $("video:nth-child(1)").attr("src",$content_path+$target+".ogv");       $("video:nth-child(1)").attr("src",$content_path+$target+".webm");       // replace poster source       $("img.vjs-poster").attr("src",$content_path+$target+".png").show();       // reset ui states       $(".vjs-big-play-button").show();       $("#div_video").removeclass("vjs-playing").addclass("vjs-paused");       // load new sources       $vid_obj.load();       $("#div_video_html5_api").show();     }); });  $("input[rel='01']").click(); </script>   </head>  <body>         <section class="container wrap">   <video id="div_video" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="auto" width="440" height="300" poster="" data-  setup="{}">       <source src=""  type="video/mp4">     <source src=""  type="video/ogg">     <source src=""  type="video/webm">   </video> </section>  <div class="wrap">   <input rel="01" type="button" value="load video 1">   <input rel="02" type="button" value="load video 2">   <input rel="03" type="button" value="load video 3"> </div>      </body> </html> 

the preload image 1st video loads no video, error "no video supported format , mime type found"

so added source first video in section

setup="{}">           <source src=""  type="video/mp4">         <source src=""  type="video/ogg">         <source src="  type="video/webm">       </video> 

result 1st video loads not other linked videos.

names of videos/png: testvid_01.mp4, testvid_01.ogv, testvid_01.webm, testvid_01.png testvid_02.mp4, testvid_02.ogv, testvid_02.webm, testvid_02.png testvid_03.mp4, testvid_03.ogv, testvid_03.webm, testvid_03.png

i have tried both in wordpress page , html page results same.

i'm not sure if script want?

have tried doing via jw player's javascript api? gather you can load playlist , invoke function play video @ index:


start playback of playlist item @ specified index.
