actionscript 3 - AS3 MovieClip array not working -

i perplexed. using exact same code run series of movieclips through array. works except 1 particular movieclip. movieclip has more animations , code rest of symbols suspecting that problem. here gist of code:

var bikearray:array = new array(bikemc); var tempmc:movieclip = bikearray[0];  timer++;  if(timer == 25){ tempmc.x = 400; tempmc.y = 415; } 

this works beautifully. other movieclip put here works exception of 1 more animation code within it. has other movieclips within it.

all want trouble clip run across stage after timer reaches intervals.

    var newarray:array = new array(troubleclipmc);     var tempmc2:movieclip = newarray[0];      timer++;      if(timer == 25){     tempmc2.x = 400;     tempmc2.y = 415;     } 

the above code not work. problem heavy movieclip. suggestions?
