python - How can I change this function call and algorithm to find the string with the smallest value in a list of size n. w/o the min function -

how can change function call , algorithm find string smallest value in list size n. aware of built-in min function, trying understand mechanics. let me preface saying first semester cs student, apologize in advance ignorance.

def main():       strone = 'stack'     strtwo = 'over'     strthree = 'flow'     strfour = 'please'     strfive = 'help'      first = alphabetical(strone, strtwo, strthree, strfour, strfive)      print(first)  def alphabetical(one, two, three, four, five):     low = 1     if 2 < low:         low = 2     if 3 < low:         low = 3     if 4 < low:         low = 4     if 5 < low:         low = 5       return low  main()      ###################################################################           # str_list = ['stack', 'over', 'flow', 'please', 'help'] ??       #     # in str_list: ?? perhaps on right track idea.#     #       first = alphabetical(i) ?? maybe                          #       ################################################################### 

using sort many comparisons. emulate min does, should make single pass on data, updating best (lowest) value seen far.

>>> def lowest(sequence):         'find lowest value in sequence in one-pass'         best = sequence[0]         in range(1, len(sequence)):             if sequence[i] < best:                 best = sequence[i]         return best  >>> lowest(['stack', 'over', 'flow', 'please', 'help']) 'flow' 


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