github - How do I plan my git workflow around some folders containing dynamic content -

i working on php website friend , want convert using proper version control, because site contains lot of changing files, e.g. user uploaded images, unsure on how set up.

i tried looking on google solution situation i'm not sure search :p

my question this, how develop site on our local machines running apache , git if there folders contain images , other changing content users have uploaded. because content changing, , on time become quite large, thought might able use git exclude feature links on site pointing content broken. because site based around content users upload having broken links makes pretty useless testing.

do guys have suggestions on how achieve git workflow without having push new version every time user submits content site?

any appreciated, thanks! :)

you should ask yourselves reasons wanting version control are.

version control used keeping track of source code, can work source code collaboratively , understand historically changes have been made (for instance bug analysis).

so should version control source code of web site.

both images , links talking part of content of web site. content needs backed up regularly, can recover bad situation (e.g. hardware failure).

it sounds me may have mixed source code , content, @ least conceptually. should clarify distinction , treat each part accordingly.


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