vb.net - Error occurred while connecting/creating automation server for ClassLibrary1.classname -

i built dll visual basic 2010 express. it's built on vb 4.0 framework. after building, ran on admin command prompt:

c:\windows\...v4.0.30319\regasm c:\...\bin\release\classlibrary1.dll 

the com-visible check box checked. other program can't connect it, error message mentioned in title.

the class library contains 1 class. it's in smscomms.vb:

imports system imports system.threading imports system.componentmodel imports system.io.ports  public class smscomms   private withevents smsport serialport   private smsthread thread   private readthread thread   shared _readport boolean = false   public event sending(byval done boolean)   public event datareceived(byval message string)   public sub new()   end sub   public sub initport(byval commport string)     smsport = new serialport     smsport       .portname = commport       .baudrate = 19200       .parity = parity.none       .databits = 8       .stopbits = stopbits.one       .handshake = handshake.requesttosend       .dtrenable = true       .rtsenable = true       .newline = vbcrlf     end   end sub   public function testfunction() integer     return 1   end function    public function sendsms(byval receiver string, byval message string) boolean     if smsport.isopen = true       'sending @ commands       smsport.writeline("at+cmgf=1" & chr(13)) 'set command message format text mode(1)       'smsport.writeline("at+csca=+639170000130" & chr(13)) 'set service center address (which varies service providers (idea, airtel))       smsport.writeline("at+cmgs=" & chr(34) & receiver & chr(34) & chr(13)) ' enter mobile number whom want send sms       smsport.writeline(message & chr(26)) 'sms sending       smsport.close()       return true     end if     return false   end function    public sub open()     if not (smsport.isopen = true)       smsport.open()     end if   end sub    public sub close()     if smsport.isopen = true       smsport.close()     end if   end sub end class 

i used visual basic 2012 instead. there's checkbox com interop.
