c++ - Necessity of Increment/Decrement Operator in C -

my doubt usage of increment/decrement operators (++ , --) in c (also in c++). absolutely necessary use ++ , -- in programs? example consider code given below,

int x=10; x++;  

this can replaced follows,

int x=10; x=x+1; 

so necessary use ++ , -- in practical programming? asking particular reason. in opinion 1 of confusing operators in c, forming expressions *x++, ++*x, x++ + ++x etc. , causing thousands of errors each day.

of course know direct mapping between ++ , assembly instruction incr possible. believe decent compiler ability optimize can replace x=x+1 incr x.

so in short question "is there situation x=x+1 can not replace x++ ?".

it might helpful if can provide piece of code not work in absence of ++ or --.

any suggestions? thank you.

is there situation x = x + 1 can not replace x++?

sure, foo(x = x + 1) different foo(x++) because x = x + 1 yields new value of x , x++ yields old value of x.

beyond there's isn't difference , strictly ++ , -- aren't needed (i.e. can write programs x += 1 instead of ++x , x -= 1 instead of --x).

note in c++ operator++ , operator-- can overloaded , in particular useful when manipulating iterators.


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