Need instructions integrating a wrapbootstrap theme into a new rails app -

i purchased theme @ wrapbootstrap , fired new rails app experiment it. theme came no documentation , new rails, use help. none of other examples here detailed , there not seem blog posts online. thanks.

this theme, if helps- presume running rails 3, have ran 'rails new experiment' , have installed no gems @ point, not bootstrap @ point. love have definitive instructions others, beginning, here on stackoverflow.

i suggest following:

1. copy theme assets /vendor

  • copy css files vendor/assets/stylesheets
  • copy javascript files vendor/assets/javascripts
  • copy images vendor/assets/images

2. create entries in asset manifests

  • create entry in app/assets/stylesheets/application.css each css file wish include in application. files listed in there should automatically included pages use default layout app/views/layouts/application.html.erb.
  • same thing javascripts under app/assets/javascripts/applications.js.

3. separate theme customizations original theme files

feel free customize theme, put own files under app/assets/stylesheets, app/assets/javascripts , app/assets/images. way won't mixed theme purchased , can delete changes without fear of mangling theme.

4. change image paths

now you're going have manually edit stylesheets , javascript files looking image references. change paths /assets. so:

background-image: url( 


background-image: url('/assets/bck.png') 


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