user interface - Android+LibGDX - textures gone in Android UI activity only after finishing a Libgdx activity? -
my situation this: i have 3 activities: 2 using android uis (shown below) , 1 libgdx androidapplication i can go , forth 2 menu activities want , wai i can go libgdx androidapplication menu activity , wai i can go menu activites libgdx androidapplication, , split second have fonts/etc. rendering should, turn this: my hypothesis libgdx androidapplication when destroyed must freeing / unloading, or instructing android to, texture memory or gl surface view or texture memory backing android fonts using? the ninepatch drawables buttons being affected not font-specific thing. on/off switch not though, assigning drawable in-code. perhaps layout inflater setcontentview thinks textures loaded when being freed libgdx activity's ondestroy? p.s. @ first thought out of memory fonts couldn't loaded texture, meaning had fat memory leak somewhere, memory analysis indicates leak free. image after going , forth through 3 activities 5 tim...